Specific Ways Divorcing Parents can Benefit from Collaborative Divorce

After doing some research on alternative dispute resolution methods for your divorce like mediation and collaborative divorce you will probably

After doing some research on alternative dispute resolution methods for your divorce like mediation and collaborative divorce, you will probably weigh the pros and cons of each type of divorce to determine which is the ideal choice for you and your spouse. If you are a parent, it is important to consider how each type of divorce will also impact your children, because they will be affected by the divorce as much as you and your partner are.

Keep the following points in mind when you talk to your spouse about the benefits and drawbacks of a collaborative divorce.

Parents can Save Money with Collaborative Divorce

One of the greatest benefits of choosing collaborative divorce is the amount of money you can save by taking this route. Like any other divorce, there will be fees to pay, including the costs of any outside professionals brought in to aid with the divorce like a child custody evaluator or a real estate appraiser, but generally, a collaborative divorce is less expensive than a courtroom divorce. Saving money on your divorce will put you in a better position to provide for your children after it is settled.

A Child’s Preference can have More Weight in a Collaborative Divorce

When the court determines an appropriate parenting plan for a child, the child’s preference may be considered. It is never the sole determining factor, but it has some weight, especially with older children and teenagers.

When you and your spouse are the ones determining your parenting plan, you can consider your child’s preference as much or as little as you would like. With a collaborative divorce, you get to determine which factors are most crucial when developing a parenting plan, not the court. You know your child and your family best, so retaining this control can be the key to developing a plan that is truly in your child’s best interest.

Collaborative Law Keeps Conflicts to a Minimum

The ultimate goal of a collaborative divorce is for the couple to work cooperatively to reach their divorce goals. By working together, rather than being pitted against each other in a courtroom setting, the couple can set the tone for their co-parenting relationship. Successful co-parenting requires many of the same skills as a successful collaborative divorce, such as:

  • Flexibility;
  • Willingness to cooperate with a partner;
  • An ability to articulate one’s own position and listen to understand the other’s position; and
  • A focus on the greater good for all parties involved.

Work with an Experienced Winter Park Collaborative Divorce Lawyer

Depending on your specific marriage and divorce details, a collaborative divorce could be the ideal choice for you and your family. There could also be reasons why collaborative divorce is not the right fit, in which case you should consider divorcing through another method. To learn more, contact Aubrey Law today to schedule your initial legal consultation with an experienced Winter Park divorce lawyer.

