Divorces During COVID-19 and How To Get A Divorce

For better or worse, COVID-19 has impacted both relationships and marriages. In turn, it is not surprising that divorces during

For better or worse, COVID-19 has impacted both relationships and marriages. In turn, it is not surprising that divorces during COVID-19 have been on the rise. The extended time spent at home with family has caused a lot of tension. In an unfortunate twist of fate, the quarantine has revealed a lot of incompatibility issues within married couples. Although some couples have been able to work through marital issues, not all couples have been that lucky. You may be wondering how feasible it is to get a divorce during the pandemic, especially if COVID-19 has impacted employment status and health issues. Even though COVID-19 has added an extra layer of consideration, it is still possible to get a divorce.

Divorces During COVID-19

If your marriage was already shaky, chances are, COVID-19 was the catalyst that leads up to divorce. Stresses such as conflicts over children, chores, and isolation have forced married couples to reconsider how they really feel about their partners. There have been reports about spikes of divorce in places like Europe and China. Unfortunately, the lockdown is painful for victims of domestic violence. This website has a list of resources for those who need assistance.

With divorces During COVID-19, there is a need for legal counsel. If your spouse has asked for a divorce and you are unsure of what to do, watch this video.

How To Get a Divorce During COVID-19

The process of separating can be difficult while you are locked down. For starters, you are not legally considered divorced if you are still living in the same house. In this real estate market, it can also be difficult to do business, house hunt, or close sales. You will also have to consider how you will divvy up assets or child custody if one partner has lost a job.

Collaborative Divorce Is One Of The Best Solutions

Most divorces that Attorney Aubrey Harry Ducker Jr. has dealt have been harmonious and stable. Real-life divorce cases are nothing like movies, which depict it as an exaggerated, dramatic, and high-tension event. Many divorces never even make it to the courtroom and only 5% of divorces are settled by a judge. Couples who do not have any disagreements can find themselves in a pretty straightforward divorce. This is where collaborative divorce can be the most beneficial.

Watch how couples are able to easily resolve divorce matters using a collaborative divorce. In a collaborative divorce, both parties agree to work out the terms before going to court.

The Collaborative Divorce Process

Collaborative Divorce is the process with which two divorcing parties can come to a resolution outside the court. It is an option for couples who feel like they can work out a divorce but still want the legal protection. Couples can come to a settlement using a combination of mediation and negotiation. They can reach an agreement. An experienced attorney will be able to turn a collaborative divorce into a win-win situation for both individuals.

The Difference Between Collaborative Divorce And Traditional Contested Divorce

One divorce process is not necessarily better than the other. The key is to find a solution that works for both parties. Collaborative divorce is:

  • Less Expensive – Collaborative divorce is less expensive than traditional divorce. A traditional contested divorce is more expensive.
  • A Faster Process – Traditional divorce can be dragged out for a long time, whereas collaborative divorce helps parties come to a resolution faster.
  • More Private – The collaborative process can be completed in private. Traditional divorces are much more open for public viewing.
  • Best for Parties Who Can Work Together – Collaborative divorce helps both parties come to a resolution unlike traditional divorce, which leaves little room for compromise.


How does a collaborative divorce cost compare to a traditional divorce? Attorney Aubrey Harry Ducker shares his insight.

Discuss A Parenting Plan And Living Arrangements

The pandemic adds an extra level of consideration for child custody and living arrangements. Conflicts like employment or health issues may arise. You or your spouse may not be able to financially handle payments. Living arrangements may also change during this time. Real estate may even lose value during this time.

Digitizing The Divorce Process

In 2020, the attorney process is going virtual. If you or your partner has health risks that prevent you from meeting an attorney in person, there are other alternatives. Attorneys can video chat you through platforms such as Zoom, Google Hangouts, or Skype. The benefits of virtual mediations are that they are very flexible for your schedule, especially if you are a parent.

During the process, you will be sending information to and from your attorney. Ideally, you should have an email account that is separate from your spouse, especially if you are both living in the same house. Make sure that your spouse does not have access to this email. Your attorney will be emailing you sensitive documents that are for your eyes only.

Court Hearings During COVID-19

Normally, you will have to show up at court hearings for your divorce. Depending on the court, hearings could be delayed or backed up. You might even have to be sworn in through telephonic hearings or video conferencing. If the court is using video conferencing, you can do that from your home or your attorneys.

Do I have to talk to my spouse during the collaborative divorce process?

Orlando Divorce and Family Law Attorney Aubrey Harry Ducker Jr.

Divorces are already overwhelming and stressful for each partner. Even during “easy” times, the divorce process requires tremendous emotional endurance. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has added a complicated element in the mix, especially with employment issues as well as mental and health issues. It is not a surprise that divorces during COVID-19 have been increasing. Without a good, professional lawyer, divorce could drag itself out for years, which can become very expensive. You will benefit more in the long run by investing in an experienced family law attorney.

Struggling with divorce, alimony, or other family law issues? Contact for legal representation Attorney Aubrey Harry Ducker Jr.. Attorney Aubrey Harry Ducker Jr. handles every legal representation from family law to elder law. Call us at (407) 647-7887 or send us a message. You can also visit the offices of Attorney Aubrey Ducker Jr. Aubrey Ducker Jr. serves Orlando and surrounding areas.