Managing the Holidays with your Child Custody Agreement

The holiday season often brings warm memories and bonding moments for families. It can also bring the stresses of interstate or even international travel, accusations of favoritism, and feeling the need to fit meaningful visits with multiple family members into a short spurt of time. For newly-divorced parents and their children, these stresses can be […]

How Will my Medical Marijuana Use Affect my Parenting Plan?

In Florida, more than 50,000 people use medical marijuana to manage their chronic pain and severe illnesses like AIDs and Parkinson’s. Despite the continued trend of relaxing attitudes toward marijuana use sweeping the United States, many are still opposed to its use and legalization for medical and recreational purposes. If you are a medical marijuana […]

Meshing Different Parenting Styles After your Second Marriage

When you marry another parent, combining your households can be a struggle. We have all seen The Brady Bunch, and we all know that transitioning into a blended family is never as easy as television makes it seem. Adjusting to life in a blended household can be challenging for every member of the family, but […]

Life After your Divorce is Finalized

When you are caught up in the process of ending your marriage, it can be difficult to think about what life will be like once it is all over. But life after your divorce will be a long stage in your life – you will never again be a person who has not been divorced, […]

Overcoming Bias Against your Gender in Timesharing Determinations

Although your gender is not permitted to play a role in determining your share of your child’s parenting time following your divorce, bias exists and can work against men seeking equal or full custody of their children. Many men assume that they will not be given their fair share of parenting time with their children, […]