Should We Consider Mediation for Our Divorce?

There are a few different ways a couple can divorce. One of these is through traditional courtroom litigation, which can be stressful and expensive. Another is collaborative divorce, a process through which the couple works together to determine their divorce settlement with little or no outside influence. A third option is mediation, which is similar […]

Does Divorce Affect Men and Women Differently?

You have probably heard the old adage, “men are from Mars, women are from Venus.” Although individuals of both sexes have much greater freedom to deviate from gender norms than they had in previous decades, gender still plays a role in how many individuals move through the events of their lives, particularly those related to […]

What is Parental Alienation?

In an ideal world, couples who realize their marriages cannot be saved would divorce amicably, working together to develop timesharing arrangements that allow them both to maintain quality relationships with their children and continue to co-parent effectively in the years that follow. But we do not live in an ideal world, we live in a […]

The Role of the Guardian Ad Litem

When a couple with children divorces, it is important that the children’s needs are considered during the divorce process. Every member of a family is affected by a divorce, particularly minor children who face an address change, a change to their financial resources, and changed relationships with their parents after the divorce is final. In […]

Fighting an Involuntary Adult Guardianship Proceeding

When a guardianship is established over an individual, another adult is granted the right and responsibility of overseeing the individual’s day to day life, medical care, financial decisions, and making any other significant decisions that the individual cannot make for him- or herself. Many individuals voluntarily appoint loved ones to take on guardianship roles when […]

Reasons to Establish a Guardianship for a Loved One

Guardianships are a way to protect adult loved ones from harming themselves physically or exposing themselves to exploitation due to their mental incapacity. When an individual establishes a guardianship for his or her loved one, he or she becomes completely responsible for the loved one. A guardian’s job is to make decisions on his or […]

Special Concerns in High Net Worth Divorces

The Securities Exchange Commission has a concrete definition of a high net worth individual: any individual who, either on his or her own or with his or her spouse, has a net worth that exceeds $1,000,000 in liquid assets, an individual whose income exceeded $200,000 for the past two years and can reasonably expect it […]

Financial Control as a Form of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence comes in many forms. Although it can be blatantly obvious physical or emotional abuse, it can also take less obvious forms. Domestic violence is about controlling a partner’s behavior. Whether an individual’s behavior is controlled through the fear of physical harm, a demolished sense of self worth, or through direct financial control, he […]

Can I Move Out of Florida with my Child?

After a divorce, it is not uncommon to want to “start fresh” on the next chapter of your life by relocating to a new city or state. You might also feel pulled to relocate due to a job opportunity, a new relationship, or a familial obligation. Whatever your reason for wanting to move out of […]

How May my Former Spouse Spend the Child Support I Pay?

When a couple with children divorces, the court determines an appropriate time sharing schedule for the couple and their children. The court may also determine a child support agreement, which is money paid from one parent to the other, typically the parent who has more time with the couple’s children, to help cover the added […]